If I lived here, I'd dress just as boldly as my home...Preen being my most coveted Spring 2012 line. Getting dressed up and decked out in jewerly would happen every morning regardless of what the day brings. DIY and cooking would be my fortay, and all of my numerous tea parties would be themed. My front door would always be open, and friends would constantly come in and out. Music will always be playing - mostly acoustic and unknown artists of course. I wouldn't have a money making job because my husband would be a successful Director/Writer/Producer...you know, 'cause he is way too talented for just one. Instead my days would be filled with volunteering for some of my favorite organizations, events, and projects. We wouldn't have kids yet because we love traveling to our second home in Italy, third home in Ireland, visiting his family in Spain, and mine in Texas =) .
This room would lead on to a wrap around porch that showcases the view from our hill top abode. The house wouldn't be too large because who really needs all that space? It would be a comfy 2 bedroom with dining, study, living room, sitting room, laundry room, and kitchen. You wouldn't believe it, but the kitchen would be all white washed wood mixed with deep dark stone. The rest of the house would be just as warm, colorful, and wonderful as this. How can this room not liven your spirits?

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